studio erde.
office for anthropocene landscapes
studio erde
- office for anthropocene landscapes
studio erde [german for soil, earth or planet] is a critical and innovative landscape office based in Berlin and Zurich. We stand for a truly responsible landscape architecture in the Anthropocene, which is characterized by a planetary and at the same time specific and earthly design attitude. The focus of our work is the examination of the complexity of urbanized landscapes and territories and its design reaction to it - studio erde therefore moves at the intersection of landscape architecture, ecology, art and urban design.
The project spectrum ranges from the development of territorial strategies, speculative project ideas and narratives, object planning and artistic installations. We are always on the lookout for new forms of expression and experiments of alternative aesthetics and atmospheres towards a
Baukunst for and in the Anthropocene.
We consider landscapes as multidimensional structures made up of overlapping layers of time and material, in the interaction of human and non-human actors. For us, every spatial task means decoding and uncovering of the various material cycles and socio-ecological systems. We explore the specificity of a place, by developing and staging wonderfully strange landscapes full of contradictions, networks of diverse life forms, material processes and sensual atmospheres and surprises.
studio erde believes in the power of a collaborative approach and working in networks with different disciplines, actors and institutes, in order to develop innovative design responses to the intertwined challenges in our Anthropocene world.
Marcel Tröger is a Landscape Architect and Urban Designer (TU Berlin and ENSP Versailles). He is recipient of numerous awards in international planning and idea competitions, such as the LILA 2022 Award for Young Professionals, the Schinkel- and Lenné-Prize at the Europan 16. Before founding studio erde, Marcel was working for internationally acclaimed landscape architectural offices (Vogt Landscape and as project leader at bgmr Landscape Architects) on multidimensional strategies and design projects, as visiting lecturer for design studios at the TU Berlin and the BTU Cottbus and as jury member and guescrit at different universities. Marcel recently joined the HCU Hamburg as Lecturer and Researcher, working on his PHD on
"Principles for a Baukunst of the Anthropocene".
Violeta Burckhardt is a landscape architect, urban designer and curator. Violeta's work revolves around research-driven projects, exploring the intersection of theory and practice. Along with her experience in landscape and architecture, she has also delved into film and art production, curated cultural events as part of VOGT Landscape Architects, and co-designed exhibitions at prestigious venues like Sci-Arc, Harvard, and the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2021. Violeta is also a published author, co-writing the book "Paradise Now: Die Neuen Grenzen des Gartens" with Günther Vogt. She holds a position as a scientific research assistant at the Elli Mosayebi Professorship within the Architecture Department at ETH Zürich. Her role encompasses academic research and teaching, focusing on the notions of
durability and ecological thinking in building practices.

*image by julius von bismarck
studio erde
zürich & berlin
studio erde GmbH​
schlossgasse 5
8003 zurich
UID CHE-384.483.723
studio erde lab
karl-kunger-str. 63
12435 berlin
team members studio erde.
violeta burckhardt -
landscape architect (sia) ,urban designer and curator
marcel tröger -
registered landscape architect (akb, bdla); urban designer
gabriel jacobs -
sarah gerdiken -
václav suchan -
jonas möller
a dear thank you to our former members:
bertha chen
barbara herschel
Competitions & Awards
Latest Projetcs
1st Prize - open competition for a school extension and campus, Schulhaus am Sand, Visp, Wallis together with
with dorsa + 8´20
1st Prize - international urban design & landscape competition Jüchen-Süd; Tagebau Garzweiler
with octagon architekturkollektiv
2nd Prize - open competition for the Re-Development of the Matthäikirchhof, Leipzig with FAM architects
1st Prize - experimental temporary open space of Haus der Statistik & Haus des Reisens - with r- winogrond & BeL Architects
1st and 3rd Prize: KIW-Quartier & Schaumagazin, Schwerin, together kollektiv b.
1st Prize: Schulhaus Gelterkinden, Switzerland, together with atelier amont
1st Prize (Prize Group) Integration of Noise Protection into the city of Düsseldorf - team with I. Vetter, M. Howard, Eisat & A. Lundqvist
1st Prize - "more than a bridge" - invited competition with knippers helbig and gustav düsing architects
2nd Prize Werkhof Areal, Schaffhausen - with
J. Wäckerlin, Tamino Kuny
2nd Prize Transformation and Extension of the Adlergarten, Winterthur with Buero Krucker
LILA 2022 Award for Young Professionals
2nd Prize karst.marke rhumequelle - landmark competition by AKN
2nd Prize / Runner-Up EUROPAN 16 - Schwäbisch Gmünd - Germany - with m. fay
3rd Prize: Schulhaus Männedorf, Switzerland, together with D. Burgy & C. Caccia
4th Prize: Schulhaus Brunnenhof, Zurich, together with
furrerjud architekten
Honorable Mentions:
orangerie grugapark, essen - with stöbe architekten
liebig höfe, aachen - with BeL sozietät für architektur
extension of the maxxi museum and campus, rome. - with gustav düsing & max hacke
​tallin architecture bienale vision competition, lasnamäe - with magnus hehlke
Idea Competitions / 1st Prices:
Peter-Joseph-Lenné Preis, 2016
Schinkel Competition - Schinkelpreis 2021
Schlaun Competition Urban Design, 2017
Show Garden Eichenzell and bdla Prize
Idea Competition Europlatz Heppenheim
Competition bdla. Grüne Bühne 2016
*studio erde is happy to work with new collaborators and on new projects
to reshape our anthropocene world together and to create beautiful strange places*
aia awareness in art / buero krucker / BeL sozietät für architektur / t. baecker / haascookzemmerich
gustav düsing / / robin winogrond / stoebe architects / t. kuny & j. wäckerlin / kollektiv b
chipperfield architects / max schwitalla / field Stations / afn / m. hacke architects / eisat GmbH
camponvo baumgartner / bhundf / OMA / octagon architekturkollektiv / kawaharakrause / atelier amont
waldrap ag / FAM architekten / j. v. bismarck / transsolar / rombo / schilling architekten / lilin architekten
bfm architects / sergison bates architects / beissert & henge / volkmer design / studio malta / knippers helbig
summacumfemmer / du studio / dorsa / 8´20 / bauteilen / gruppe 030 / forward / hütten & paläste / julian c. fischer
atelier fanelsa / furrerjud architekten / stoebe architekten / waldrap ag / masu planning / projektbüro city
City of Heilbronn, Department of Public SpaceWollhaus Square, Heilbronn- PreDesign /// BUKEA Hamburg /// Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen, Berlin // Campus Pastorale: Erzbistum Berlin & KAS Berlin // City of Schwäbisch Gmünd – Western City Entrance // Lilien.Acker, 2018- Royal Garden Show, Execution and Construction, 2018 // Design Europlatz, 2018- City of Heppenheim, realization 2021 // Kunstkommision Düsseldorf, Stadt Düsseldorf // Citizen Park Triebisch, City of Meißen - Concept for the Construction, 2021 // Zweckverband Landfolge Garzweiler. // IHK Köln // Design Build Project, „Mandara” Assiut, Egypt, UN Habitat/TU Berlin
Zurich, Switzerland
"more than a bridge" - project for a village center and river re-vitalising with knippers helbig and gustav düsing architects
Gundelsheim, Germany
SANDY - school extension and campus, Visp, Wallis - 1st prize together with dorsa + 8´20
campus pastorale - transformation of a former monastery area into an inclusive and climate adaptive campus- cooper. with afn architects - LP 1-9
(LP 6-8 in cooperation with Beissert Henge LA)
Berlin, Germany
tableau sauvage - co-production of a temporary landscape intervention at wilder platz, zurich - together with v. burckhardt & aia
Visp, Switzerland
Hamburg, Germany
Mikro-Landscapes - art installation for Mobiliar Insurances - cooperation with J. v. Bismarck
Bern, Switzerland
NEUJÜCHEN - a forest city for the the open mining mining pit of garzweiler
-1st price, team with octagon architekturkollektiv.
Jüchen, Rheinisches Revier, Germany
Open Spaces for the IHK Köln & for the Maria Ablaß Platz (LP 1-4) with Schilling Architects
Köln, Germany
commission for the temporary open space of Haus der Statistik & Haus des Reisens (LP1-8) - cooperation with r- winogrond & BeL
Berlin, Germany
Collaborative Workshop on "Climate Streets" - adaption concepts for the Hartwicusstraße
FireStation Paretz - commision for the public spaces - with atelier fanelsa
Paretz, Brandenburg